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Part 1. User's manual

Part 2. Admin's manual


1.1 System requirements

For work of the program the virtual JAVA-machine should be established at a computer. Therefore requirements to system resources of a computer will be the same, as for Java Runtime Environment (JRE): (section "System requirements")

Today language JAVA has got big popularity. And not only due to portable between different operating systems. On a JAVA-platform many programs of the various assignments successfully works. For developers a plenty of libraries and program modules is accessible to use in their software products.

It can quite appear that JAVA is already installed. To define version JRE, it is necessary to execute in a command line:

C:\>java -version

If the computer informs, that "'java' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file." or your version has number smaller, than 1.6, it is necessary to install new version JRE. It can be made, having loaded the latest distribution to the

Additionally the disk space necessary for some services during their work (depends on used parameters) can be demanded.

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