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1.10 Management of streams

Consider work of one more type of the elements used in a configuration of the program. Selectors can be added only after the group containing one and more lines.

Let's make group "Group1" active and choose menu item "Edit"-"Add"-"Selector...".

Choose in the list switch "Content".

Remove services "In" from "L1" and "L2" and insert one "In" after the selector. In one of lines, for example "L2", let's add service "Terminator".

Consider the basic window of the selector.

Here the table with types of a content which can be loaded from a web-server. For each type one of lines which specified in a higher group. Through the combo box "For others" it is also possible to specify line for the types which have been not listed in the table.

Choose line "L2" for type "image". In a result if the server would like to send a graphic file on inquiry of the client, the stream will pass through chain "L2". But since in this line we have placed service "Terminator", connection will not be established. As a result images will not be loaded into a browser, and other information will be transferred.

Copyright © 2014 Victor Zhigunov