2.5 Limitation on time |
Let's add in group new line - "L5".
Now it is required to insert one more group with the selector into it.
For this purpose it is necessary to remove at first service "In", and then selector "Clients".
In "L5" create new group "Group3" and add in it two lines - "L6" and "L7".
In "L7" insert service "Message" with the text "Access denied".
And in "L6" add one more group "Group4" with lines "L8" and "L9".
In "L9" insert similar "Message".
Now after "Group4" add selector "Hours", and after "Group3" - the selector "Days of week".
Return selector "Clients", and also service "In".
Let's choose in the selector "Days of week" opposite to Saturday and Sunday - "L7",
and in selector "Hours" opposite to "01:00pm-02:00pm" and "02:00pm-03:00pm" - "L9".
Thus, for those clients at whom line "L5" will be chosen, access will be allowed at business-days from 03:00 pm to 01:00 pm.