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Part 2. Admin's manual


2.2 Client access

At the centralized connection of computers the network administrator has more opportunities to supervise work of all users.

To define all connections to a proxy-server by names of workstations, it is possible to take advantage of selector "Clients".

For this purpose at first it is necessary to remove service "In".

Then create group "Group2", and add in it a pair of lines: "L2" and "L3". In "L3" insert service "Message" with the text "Access denied".

After group add the selector and return service "In".

At the checked box "Auto addition" names of the computers connected to the server will get in the list of clients during work. If opposite to a name specify line "L3" it will be refused in access to the client, and in a window of a browser the corresponding message will be displayed.

In selector "Clients" as well as in switch "Content" it is possible to specify priorities for separate lines. And not only from a server streams, but also ones from clients.

Copyright © 2014 Victor Zhigunov