1.3 First project |
Each time at opening the document from the Internet the following actions are carried out:
the client program (browser) establishes connection with the necessary server,
transfers to it the address of required page,
receives from it a stream with the data,
displays received text and images on the screen,
closes connection with a server.
Thus the browser and a server communicate with each other "in private".
Let's make so that they communicate through "intermediary" - i.e. through our application.
For this purpose create the new project.
Choose menu item "File" - "Create" or press the corresponding button.
In area on the left the project icon will appear. Let's name it as "Project1".
Now it is possible to add services in the configuration - basic elements of the program.
Choose menu item "Edit" - "Add" - "Service...".
The program will offer us a choice from the list of accessible services.
That our application could establish connections with the removed servers add in the project service "Switch".
And for an opportunity of connections from the client add service "In".
Thus we have created the elementary configuration for work with the client application - a browser.