1.7 Data preservation |
It is possible to make so that all the documents opened in a browser additionally were kept in a folder on the disk.
Thus files structure will be the same, as well as on a server.
For use of this opportunity add in the project service "Explorer".
In service parameters the following things are set:
a name of a directory, the maximum possible volume of disk space allocated and files maximum size.
If in a configuration more than one service "Explorer" is added,
it is necessary to specify different paths for their working folders. |
The program allows to save also the http-headers accepted together with them.
They can contain different information about the accepted files: type of contents, date of last updating and so on.
At use of the current service it is possible to find documents which were downloaded earlier.
For search it is necessary to set an interval or the period of time,
during which they could be presumably received, select types of documents and press button "Refresh".
While choosing the document from the list its address is inserted in the clipboard. |
Button "Clear" deletes all information from a folder.
Now, in case of inquiry by a browser the already kept document,
we are able not to download it from a server anew,
but to send to the client its contents from a directory.
But for this purpose it is necessary to be convinced, that we have the latest version of the document.
Function of the versions control and sending of the kept file are carried out with service "Cache".
In its parameters it is necessary to specify a site of working folder of service "Explorer".
The overall performance of a cache is displayed as the pie diagram.
Values of sectors show a percentage ratio found in a cache and downloaded from a server of documents
to total size of the information transferred to the client.
Button "Reset" reset values of the diagram.
Thus, with application of cache technology, speed of work in the Internet can increase essentially.